Homeopathic Treatment for ADHD/ADD


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Homeopathic Treatment for ADHD/ADD

This includes two consultations of 30 - 45 minutes: in-depth interview, analysis, and selection of medication - including medication.
Thereafter, 60$ per consultation every 3-4 weeks.
Shipping of medication: 10-20$

Curious about how homeopathy can help you? Book a free 15-minute consultation and get answers to your questions before you schedule an appointment.

Consultations are conducted via Zoom, Messenger, Skype, or WhatsApp.

This offer is valid until August 31.

Samlet beløb $99


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Institut for Kreativ Udvikling · Solbakkevej 14 · 8766 Nørre Snede · Danmark · CVR nr. 42938335 · (+45) ‭51918508‬